Our Strength is our Voice, our Power is our Numbers!
Our Strength is our Voice, our Power is our Numbers!
Dear Commissioner Preston,
I want to thank you very much for your support and your kind advice. Even though we were never able to connect and meet, we had what I thought was a very good conversation over the phone. You recommended to stay in closer contact with my district commissioner. We will continue to take that advice.
Your vote alone was extremely encouraging, and made us all feel like we were heard. Our districts should communicate and work together.
Our roots here in Deerfield Beach go very very deep. Our neighbors here have parents who are buried in the cemetery next to our neighbors’ grandparents, and as our kids age and buy property right here, their future babies will be neighbors too. Our ancestors were neighbors in life and neighbors in eternity. If you grew up in Deerfield in the 70s, my stepmother probably taught you in school. If you attended Deerfield Beach Elementary school in the early 2000’s she probably subbed for your class as Janet Lewis.
You don’t find Community like this often. Deerfield Beach is unique that way and when you get pissed off and move away, you can’t find that ever again. When you get to be part of it, it’s very special. We care and we’re not going anywhere, and we are definitely not done here.
This morning, my phone is absolutely blowing up. My email list contains 111 people (who are BCC’d on this) and I think they all texted or called. Everyone’s upset, but I’ve taken your advice to remain courteous and professional, recognizing that we do still need Commissioner Hudak’s cooperation in the near future.
Our roots in our neighborhood run very deep, and we are not done yet.
Thank you very much once again for really hearing us, and for standing by your community.
Kindest Regards,
~April Bolowich deerfield beach overdevelopment and rezoning traffic pedestrian safety risk reduction danger
Compatibility factors are not limited to this list! If you see something missing, please let me know.
If you have any other observations, technicalities, and video examples you may have, please let me know; we are expecting to meet with our attorney, Robert Sweetapple next week, and will be starting a go fund me after that.
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